Sunday, August 24, 2008

A busy month of August...

Chan & Max
Cam, Chan & Max
Chan shooting hoops at Knott's
Le Boo

August has been a busy month for us.

My knee surgery supposedly went well, though you wouldn’t know it by the amount of pain that I’ve experienced! I had part of my meniscus disc removed in my right knee to remove the torn cartilage and prevent my knee from future “Lock-ups”. Seriously, I had no idea that it would be this painful or debilitating!! A big THANK YOU goes out to my friend Angela for the loan of her ice blanket machine, it was a Godsend and helped immensely!! My stitches are out and I will have three ugly scars, kind of like “X” marks the spot for each, all around my knee cap, my doc was definitely not concerned with the aesthetics of the female psyche! Vitamin E oil is definitely in my future!

Margo FINALLY, as she puts it, had her hip replacement surgery. I wish I could say “Whoo hoo”, but the results are not what we hoped for. It has been a LONG road getting here with the entire doctor and testing appts schedule, and unfortunately the work is just beginning for us here. She is struggling with the healing process and physical therapy and is currently at a nursing facility to assist her with her recovery.

Hospital stays and illnesses seemed to be a theme this month with the family; My Grammie has also been very sick with the “Super Bug” and has been hospitalized and quarantined since my Moms birthday (the 8th). My Dad hasn’t been doing all that well either with a similar virus. My poor Mom has probably run herself ragged with taking care of both of them, though she never complains, she’s exhausted. So needless to say, it’s been stressful around here as I haven’t been able to help out.

With everything going on, we are going to postpone Chan’s big 13 celebration this month, maybe tackle it in the middle of September when life is calmer. Poor guy, he’s been bored this summer, which got away from me, and now he has to take the back seat to our boo-boos. The two of us did venture out to Knott’s Berry Farm last week and had a great time together; he fell in love with the Silver Bullet, riding it 7 times!!

Speaking of birthdays, August is always a big month for us! Also celebrating birthdays are my Dad and Mom, Shell, Jeff, and Chandler for the immediate family. We also have two aunts, an uncle, two grandparents (who have passed), a niece, two cousins and a partridge in a pear tree…

On an exciting note, a big CONGRATS out to our Tony for passing his brokers exam!! I don’t have the link for his new business, but will post it when I do, as I’m sure he could use new clientele.

As for working, Rick is buried at work with his office growth and is working hard to move his office ranking up even further. In the last 9 months since he transferred and took on managing this office, they have moved up from #59 to #6 in the state rankings!! So whoo hoo to him as well!! No wonder he is always so tired. On the same work note, I have re-energized and I’m back to my mobile notary business. My good friend Heather is working on my new website and such for me, if you need a graphics designer, she is awesome!

I have not forgotten about our beautiful Le Boo! Cam has kept busy with going to the Y socializing with her friends and weekly field trips. Soccer just started Friday with her first practice and she was excited to find that one of her closest girlfriends is on her team, which is amazing as they are the only two from her school on the team. What are the odds!

I guess that’s it for now, I’ll stop back in with more photos when I have a chance.

Take care,Stef